
B Complex: How Much is Too Much?

If you move in health-conscious circles, it’s possible that you may have heard the term B Complex being used. But, depending on how much you remember from your health class, you may need a bit of a refresher course. This is why we’ve summarized just what B Complex is, how it is extremely important for the way each and every human fights disease– but it is not all benefits. As with everything else you are taking for medical reasons, it is important to be extremely careful, as there is such a thing as too much B Complex. 

B complex energy

What is B Complex? 

Vitamin B Complex is the umbrella term for a multivitamin that is composed of eight B vitamins, which are classified as B vitamins due to their water solubility and similar roles. However, this is still not a clear answer to the question of ‘what is B Complex’– for that, we’d have to look at what the product itself is composed of.

  • B-1 (Thiamine) 
  • B-2 (Riboflavin) 
  • B-3 (Niacin)
  • B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) 
  • B-6 (Pyridoxine) 
  • B-8 (Biotin) 
  • B-9 (Folic Acid) 
  • B-12 (Cobalamin) 

These are the eight water-soluble vitamins that are imperative for the human body– this is because of their extremely valuable role in cellular metabolism, which is the process that creates the body’s energy. Because of this role, each of the B vitamins needs to be carefully balanced, but the health effects that come with plenty of Vitamin B are far-reaching, including increased energy and mental acuity. 

Why do I need B Complex? 

That is somewhat of a complicated question to answer, although it might seem simple at first glance, especially after reading just how important all of the B vitamins are for proper bodily functions. The reality is that each of the B vitamins that make up B complex do, while similar, fundamentally different things. This means that it is important to ensure that the body has plenty of each vitamin to utilize as needed, and this is where many people might run into problems. The human body is unable to store B vitamins in the body, because they are water soluble, and therefore get passed through the urinary system eventually– because of this, a wide variety of healthy foods need to be eaten to ensure that you ‘check off’ the B Vitamins you need. 

For example, Vitamin B-12 is responsible for tissue health, brain function, and the production of red blood cells. It is primarily found in meat and dairy products. However, Vitamin B-7 and B-9, which are responsible for cell growth, the formation of DNA, and a healthy nervous system among other things, are primarily found in fruits and vegetables. This alone highlights the problem that people run into when it comes to proper vitamin intake. They do not know what foods contain the vitamins they need, nor do they know exactly what they should be eating. 

But the problems do not simply end when digestion begins. There are certain groups that need larger amounts of some of the types of vitamin B, and certain preexisting conditions such as Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, HIV, and the misuse of alcohol can all result in the poor absorption of the B vitamins within the body. When the body fails to intake enough vitamin B, it leads to a condition that is known as deficiency. 

Risks of B Complex Deficiency

Because there are eight different B vitamins that make up B complex, the symptoms of deficiency can be largely different depending on which vitamin you are deficient in. However, generally symptoms can be expected to range from fatigue and confusion to anemia, a lack of healthy red blood cells, or even a compromised immune system. In order to create a comprehensive list of the symptoms of B Complex deficiency, we’ve created the list below: 

  • B-12: Vitamin B-12 is important for regulating the nervous system and forming new blood cells. Anyone who is on a strict vegan diet is at risk for becoming deficient in this vitamin, which is also known as cobalamin. 
    • Vitamin B-12 deficiencies can lead to anemia and confusion in older adults. Additionally, psychological conditions including dementia, paranoia, depression and changes in behavior can be a  result of prolonged vitamin B-12 deficiency. Neurological damage. 
  • B-6: Vitamin B-6 assists the body in turning food into energy, a process which is known as metabolism. It can also help the body fight infections, and is important in pregnant women, because it is important for the development of the baby’s brain. 
    • B-6 Deficiency can lead to anemia and skin disorders, including rash or cracks around the mouth. Additionally, it can lead to depression, confusion, and nausea. 
  • B1 & B2: B-1 is known as thiamine, and B-2 is also called riboflavin. These two vitamins are, like B-6, important for the process of metabolism within the body– additionally, B-1 has neurological benefits, while B-2 assists in healthy eyesight. In the United States, deficiencies in thiamine are relatively uncommon, because common foods including milk and whole-grain cereals, are fortified with the vitamin. 
    • It can be found in people who abuse alcohol and those without a balanced diet, and symptoms of a deficiency in these vitamins include confusion and cracks along the mouth. 
  • B3: Vitamin B-3 is also commonly known as Niacin, and like many other B vitamins it is important for the body’s metabolic processes– in addition, it aids in proper digestion and a healthy appetite. It is found in fish and animal meats, as well as peanuts. 
    • There are digestive issues that are associated with a lack of niacin in the body, including nausea and abdominal cramps, as well as mental confusion in more serious cases of deficiency. 
  • B-9: Vitamin B-9, also known as folic acid or folate, is found naturally in a wide variety of forms. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, and it is often found in processed or fortified foods and, like the majority of B vitamins, B-9 fosters the growth of red blood cells. But it differs significantly from its cousins in the sense that it is significantly important for the health of a fetus– this is because it significantly reduces the risk of birth defects when consumed by pregnant women.
    • In normal people, folate deficiencies usually lead to symptoms akin to diarrhea or anemia, but pregnant women with a folate deficiency could give birth to babies with defects. However, there is the possibility of overdoing folate intake during pregnancy, which may also lead to neurological problems– which is why it’s important to speak to a medical professional when it comes to taking anything while pregnant. 

Preventing Deficiency

After highlighting the importance of B Complex in the body, many people are now wondering just how they can prevent deficiency within themselves. And, for most, the answer is simple. Humans have survived for millennia with nothing but a varied diet– indeed, we didn’t even have the knowledge of germ theory or instrument sterilization until the 19th century. But the rate of technological advancement is exponential, and this is true especially for medicine. 

For those that are deficient or would like to augment or improve their intake of B Complex, there are many ways aside from diet to do it. Supplements, which are vitamins in pill form, have been around for decades, and they have improved alimentation around the world significantly. Due to the possible risks of overdose, it is important to take supplements only after consulting a physician– the two groups that benefit the most from increased vitamin B supplementation are those over 50 and pregnant women. However, while the risk of overdose is certainly there, it is significantly lower than several other vitamins that are available in supplement form, and this is because all of the B vitamins are water soluble. 

But there is yet another option.Intravenous therapy has been gaining more and more traction around the world as a way of targeting the specific deficiencies in vitamins that many people might be suffering from. VitaNovas is a mobile intravenous infusion company that has years of experience. Utilizing a unique, direct-to-consumer model that puts safety and effective treatment as a top priority, Vitanovas strives to create a safe, repeatable experience for those that are looking for a surefire way to increase the capabilities of their body’s first line of defense against foreign pathogens– the immune system. 

Primarily, VitaNovas offers Infusion Packages, intravenous treatments that are created and stored in franchises in cities all over the world– this is so that when they are requested, someone can be dispatched to deliver these packages on-demand to homes, offices, and hotels. They are administered by certified healthcare professionals. Our IV infusion packages are mixed with essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and antioxidants as a powerful cocktail to stimulate the immune system and help bolster it to assist in fighting infection. Immune modulation is the balancing and enhancing of cells in the body to work more effectively at fighting off disease, and it is one of the guiding principles behind our medical philosophy.

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